I get stressed! I also have anxiety. And I worry too! Guess what? While they are related, they aren’t interchangeable. Guess what else? They have some positive components in addition to the well-known negative ones. You may think that I’m …
I love bread! Sourdough, naan, honey wheat, pita, and the list could go on. However, if I ate as much bread as I wanted to, it would lead to other problems altogether!😊 So instead, I keep some bread in the …
I’m a bit overwhelmed. Bet you weren’t expecting that! When I rebranded to JaniceRussell.com, I decided that I’d become the Overwhelm Slayer because that’s why clients partner with me. You may assume that I never feel overloaded myself. And you’d …
Do you feel overwhelmed by clutter? Many people who ask about my services do. In fact, overwhelmed is the most frequent word I hear. Similar sentiments are “I feel depressed when I see all the clutter” and “Clutter makes me feel anxious.” …
One may be the loneliness number, but it can also be a powerful number! When I’m feeling overwhelmed by stuff or tasks, it’s often because I want the whole problem to just go away. Unfortunately, neither the Organizing Fairy nor …
Did you know that the “back-to-school” season can affect you — even if you don’t have kids at home? Surprise! Today is a good time to start thinking about how the rush of a new school year can impact you, …
Yes, you read that right! Here’s the backstory: mid-first-COVID-spring, I started walking (sans phone!) in my neighborhood and on nearby greenways. The cardio was good for my body and my mood. In fact, it helped my mental state so much, …
Like many people, I’m always striving to get to—and maintain—a healthy weight. And I realized that several different things need to go on: Drinking a good amount of water. Exercise Healthy food There are other things, but I’m not discussing …
Has this happened to you? One day your space seems manageable and the next day…poof, there’s a big pile of stuff. Stuff is stealthy. It creeps up on you when you aren’t paying attention! It happens when you: haven’t identified locations …
Are you considering what to do next or how to get a task done? You may be, since you’re reading this post rather than working on something else! It’s easy to convince yourself that time spent thinking is actually time …