Does your brain feel so full that it just might explode? Our lives are so jam-packed these days! Take the demands of our normal personal and professional lives. Then add in the speed with which we receive new information. It’s …
I’m a bit overwhelmed. Bet you weren’t expecting that! When I rebranded to, I decided that I’d become the Overwhelm Slayer because that’s why clients partner with me. You may assume that I never feel overloaded myself. And you’d …
Do you feel overwhelmed by clutter? Many people who ask about my services do. In fact, overwhelmed is the most frequent word I hear. Similar sentiments are “I feel depressed when I see all the clutter” and “Clutter makes me feel anxious.” …
There are some days when my brain feels so full that I’m sure it’s going to explode! Do you ever feel that way? Our lives are so jam-packed these days! Take the demands of our normal personal and professional lives. …