Life Transitions. Everyone experiences them, both first-hand and “second-hand”. What do I mean by “second-hand”? It’s when someone you know is going through a life transition and they want you to take some of their stuff. I can speak from personal …
As I write this, there are raging wildfires and powerful floods in many parts of the United States (and other parts of the world). People are losing some or all of their possessions as they flee just ahead of nature’s …
If I say downsize, you probably think of moving to a smaller house or being laid-off a job. If I say right-size, you may think of a company reorganization in which some people are dismissed. Neither of those is incorrect, …
They can creep in, step by slow step. Or they may hit you all at once, like a freight train. Regardless of how they arrive, they always create chaos in your calendar! I’m talking about life transitions-yours or others. Do …
Life is always changing, but for long periods, you feel like you can get into a routine. Your general daily life is consistent and has the same tasks, for the most part. A large life event, such as a hospitalization, …
You’re in the middle of a busy day when the phone rings and you hear, “I just broke my arm and I’m waiting for the ambulance to take me to the hospital.” Sounds like an emergency, right? Get a cast; …
Your parents downsize and want you to take some of their stuff. You’re expecting your first child and everyone gives you gifts. You suffer a severe break to your leg and require medical equipment. Each of these situations represents a …
Wisdom may come with age, however, sometimes the wisdom arrives a little late for the current situation:-) I’ve been immersed in life transitions lately. In addition to personal and professional passages, I’ve also developed a webinar for the National Association of …
“I was organized before x happened.“ I’ve heard variations of this statement since 2002 when I started Minding Your Matters®. It’s also a popular phrase from people experiencing a life-disrupting situation. Here are more examples: “I was organized until I …
Will you? Can you? Would you? The request itself may not matter, your reflex may be to answer “yes” without much hesitation. The issue with an automatic “yes” is that it may negatively impact your schedule and stress-level. The challenge …