I hate papers, I hate papers, Yes, I do, Yes, I do, Make them go away now, make them go away now, For-e-ver, for-e-ver. (Tune: Frere Jacques. Words: Janice Russell) This is a client’s song. She’s overwhelmed by a ton …
I get stressed! I also have anxiety. And I worry too! Guess what? While they are related, they aren’t interchangeable. Guess what else? They have some positive components in addition to the well-known negative ones. You may think that I’m …
There are many things about a medical condition that may frustrate you, so let me get a little more specific.😊 When you can research symptoms and conditions in so many different ways, it’s easy to go down a rabbit hole …
Know what these things have in common? Moving. Retirement. New medical diagnosis. Job promotion. Marriage. Change within an ongoing health issue. If you said they are all life transitions, you are correct! With the end of one season of life …
The Northern Lights AND puffins. I was able to see puffins, sometimes known as “the clown of the sea,” on a recent vacation in Iceland. The Westman Islands are believed to have one of the largest puffin colonies in the …
Do you feel overwhelmed by clutter? Many people who ask about my services do. In fact, overwhelmed is the most frequent word I hear. Similar sentiments are “I feel depressed when I see all the clutter” and “Clutter makes me feel anxious.” …
One may be the loneliness number, but it can also be a powerful number! When I’m feeling overwhelmed by stuff or tasks, it’s often because I want the whole problem to just go away. Unfortunately, neither the Organizing Fairy nor …
Did you know that the “back-to-school” season can affect you — even if you don’t have kids at home? Surprise! Today is a good time to start thinking about how the rush of a new school year can impact you, …
Yes, you read that right! Here’s the backstory: mid-first-COVID-spring, I started walking (sans phone!) in my neighborhood and on nearby greenways. The cardio was good for my body and my mood. In fact, it helped my mental state so much, …
Like many people, I’m always striving to get to—and maintain—a healthy weight. And I realized that several different things need to go on: Drinking a good amount of water. Exercise Healthy food There are other things, but I’m not discussing …