Do you have a lengthy to-do list made even longer with the addition of holiday tasks? Talk about overwhelming and stressful! This is supposed to be a fun and festive time of the year. So just like on a computer you …
Feel extra busy from mid-November through the end of December? Imagine Santa’s schedule! Through the elf managers, he ensures that toys are produced (and wrapped) in time to be on the sleigh by December 24th. Santa confirms that the reindeer …
Regular busy. Life transition chaos. Holiday season and life transition frenzy. Which describes you? Guess what? The North Pole is an extremely busy place this time of year, too. On a minute-to-minute basis, I’m pretty sure that no one is busier …
I am blue…but not in the way you might think. I’m dressed in royal blue with my Duke Blue Devil jewelry and mask on because it’s my first live men’s basketball game since March 7, 2020. I’m EXCITED! That being …
The darkness is coming! The darkness is coming! If you’re like many people, you feel the impending doom and gloom of the change from Daylight Savings Time (DST) to Standard Time. Although not true because we still have 24 hours …
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition affecting adults and children in a variety of ways. Some of the common characteristics include: inattention involves difficulty sustaining attention to task, attending to details, organizing spaces and tasks, etc. hyperactivity includes …
Disorganization can be overwhelming! When the cause(s) are identified, solutions are easier to find. Here I’m discussing the impact of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on organization and productivity. A brief overview of ADHD: It is a complex brain-based condition that …
Article updated 9/9/24. You had a recent “heart episode” and the doctor asks if anyone in your family had a heart attack before the age of 60. You get a bad infection and the doctor wants to know if you …
Does your brain feel so full that it just might explode? Our lives are so jam-packed these days! Take the demands of our regular personal and professional lives. Then add in the speed with which we receive new information. It’s …
Moving. You may dread it or avoid it. You might love it and look for opportunities to move. In this post, I’ll answer a question from a follower related to moving. I’ll give additional strategies if this scenario is different …