March in Raleigh, NC means we are either very close to Yellow Season or in the middle of it and waiting for it to end! Never heard of Yellow Season? Every spring in my part of North Carolina, we have …
Making an appointment with a new medical professional and noting what you need to do prior to the initial appointment. Reviewing the accuracy of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your health insurance company. Researching treatment options for a new …
Do you feel like your to-do list is on fire? You put one fire out, only to have 3 more pop-up. Guess what? Your to-do list isn’t going away. It might decrease during some seasons of life. It will increase …
Parties. Decorating. Baking. Buying. Wrapping. These are just a few of the extra activities that may impact your calendar during the holiday season. Oh, and don’t forget your regular, everyday professional and personal responsibilities. In 3 Actionable Strategies to Create …
Adulting can be exhausting! Work (including household managers), paying bills, car maintenance, caring for others (children and/or parents), not to mention sleep and doing something fun. There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day! And it’s even …
Clothes. Books. Craft supplies. Letters. Magazines. Cards. Cherished collection. How difficult is it for you to delete (permanently remove) items that no longer serve an active purpose in your life? Over the years, I’ve heard many reasons (excuses?) why it’s …
Who doesn’t like to receive gifts? We get gifts on our birthday and some holidays, but we also get a gift each and every day…time. And this gift is packaged the same for everyone: 24 hours in that day. How …
What?!? Yes, you read that correctly! Conventional wisdom, says that declaring “I can’t” is self-limiting. In many situations, it’s true. However, in our crazy, busy, ever-changing times, there are two occasions in which saying, “I can’t” is extremely beneficial. REASON …
Did you know that you don’t usually need a reason to say “no”? However, sometimes it feels better when you do…even if you don’t tell anyone else!😊 Just so we’re on the same page, let’s start with what “no” is …
How comfortable are you with saying “no”? Very – I’m very comfortable saying “no.” Depends – My ability to say “no” depends on the situation or person. Pretty Uncomfortable – I’m fairly uncomfortable saying “no,” but will if it’s necessary. …