Life transitions are not all alike. Some you know are coming and can plan down to the last detail. Others arrive unannounced, such as a sudden illness or accident to you or a family member. Others allow you some planning, …
How comfortable are you with change? If a 1 means you do everything possible to avoid change, and 10 means you absolutely love change, what’s your number? For many years, I was a 2-3 on this scale. I’m a planner. …
Divorce is one of the more challenging life transitions, and it’s one many people experience. I’ve watched a few family members and friends in recent years go through this process. Even in cases where my friend was the one who …
Moving into the same space as a couple is, of course, an exciting time. While a good one, this life transition is big because your living arrangement affects your daily flow and has a massive impact on your stuff! Couples who …
Life Transitions. Everyone experiences them, both first-hand and “second-hand”. What do I mean by “second-hand”? It’s when someone you know is going through a life transition and they want you to take some of their stuff. I can speak from personal …
Divorce affects so many people; it’s certainly an example of the life transitions we have talked about in this newsletter this year. Few of us might predict divorce for ourselves or for our friends, but when it happens, both parties …
As I write this, there are raging wildfires and powerful floods in many parts of the United States (and other parts of the world). People are losing some or all of their possessions as they flee just ahead of nature’s …
If I say downsize, you probably think of moving to a smaller house or being laid-off a job. If I say right-size, you may think of a company reorganization in which some people are dismissed. Neither of those is incorrect, …
They can creep in, step by slow step. Or they may hit you all at once, like a freight train. Regardless of how they arrive, they always create chaos in your calendar! I’m talking about life transitions-yours or others. Do …
Life is always changing, but for long periods, you feel like you can get into a routine. Your general daily life is consistent and has the same tasks, for the most part. A large life event, such as a hospitalization, …