A home renovation is a fun project — until you hear you must move in with your in-laws. Just kidding. Well, sort of. That’s just what I did in late December. In some cultures, it’s common for children and their …
Sleep is a critical part of our health and well being. But for millions of people, rest isn’t easy or consistent. Studies show adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night. Many people don’t get enough rest. Some wear …
Job transitions are frequent this year for many. I keep reading about women leaving the workforce in droves, due to the challenges of balancing work and childcare in a pandemic. Many others are laid off or underemployed. But even in …
Organizing is a productive thing to do this year. After all, we’re mostly stuck at home. I don’t know about you, but I’ve gone through periods of zero motivation. December has been a challenge; the constant stay-at-home is taking its …
Greeting cards, paper or electronic, evoke many different emotions, regardless of whether you’re the Receiver or the Sender. The recipient may experience joy, thankfulness, laughter, sadness, and more. The sender may feel excited (“I sent it in time!”), guilt (“I …
Plenty of people are moving this year, buying bigger houses, or relocating to their dream city as they work remotely. Of course, not everyone is doing this, but that and my own move have inspired me to write a bit …
The holidays are often a blur. You flurry through decorating, whirl through cookie baking and holiday parties, and juggle school concerts and sending your holiday cards. This year, things might be a little different. That’s going to make your holiday …
The holiday season has begun. Is your mind is buzzing with thoughts of how to celebrate the holidays in the midst of a pandemic? If so, you’re not alone! This pandemic is a major life transition for EVERYONE. The holidays …
While many people take advantage and clean out some of their stuff in the process, you might also pause to consider your relationship with that stuff so you don’t accumulate quite as much after your move.
Having kids is a definite transition in life! We’ve written before about having children, but one area we haven’t touched on is adoption. A few of my friends have adopted children, and what a process! Aside from the paperwork and …