Death. We don’t like to talk or think about it, yet we all die and most of us will experience the death of a friend or loved one during our own lifetime. So I’d be remiss if I didn’t share …
I don’t know about you, but I like being able to see! Yes, I have to wear glasses and I do so because I like to see. I recently went to the eye doctor and was glad to hear that …
Resolutions. Goals. Intentions. What’s your philosophy? You may write some at the beginning of each year only to break them several weeks later. You could decide to forgo resolutions. You might record several and accomplish one. There’s not a “right” …
There’s nothing quite like comfort food that’s easy to make! Confession time: I used to love to cook! Now, I find that the time and effort is taxing. Yet, I don’t want to get takeout or eat lots of processed …
I hate papers, I hate papers, Yes, I do, Yes, I do, Make them go away now, make them go away now, For-e-ver, for-e-ver. (Tune: Frere Jacques. Words: Janice Russell) This is a client’s song. She’s overwhelmed by a ton …
I love my Mom’s stuffing! So I can’t wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas when I can eat some. (Don’t celebrate these two holiday’s? No problem! This post addresses holiday calendar issues in general.) But there is one kind of stuffing …
I get stressed! I also have anxiety. And I worry too! Guess what? While they are related, they aren’t interchangeable. Guess what else? They have some positive components in addition to the well-known negative ones. You may think that I’m …
I’m not a big fan of buffet meals. There is usually a ton of food and I want to try most everything! This often means that even with careful planning, food either runs together or falls off the plate. Not to …
What’s normal? It’s a setting on your dishwasher! A washing machine and clothes dryer use the word “regular” instead of normal. In the cleaning world, an item needs the normal/regular cycle or it falls into a different category and requires …
Yes, there really is Thumb School and yes, I attended! Okay, let me back up. The pain in my left thumb (non-dominant hand) started gradually as a intermittent ache. The pain became more consistent with it sometimes being a stabbing …