Are you considering what to do next or how to get a task done? You may be, since you’re reading this post rather than working on something else! It’s easy to convince yourself that time spent thinking is actually time …
Do you feel stuck in too much stuff? What are you doing to get out of your stuckness? If you answered “nothing” or “what I’ve tried hasn’t worked,” then please indulge me in some reminiscing. Vinyl records are back in …
Are you sure? It’s all about FLOW. Let me explain. The word “flow” implies continuous movement, such as “the river flows into the ocean.” While we’ve gotten really proficient at stuff flowing in, we aren’t as accomplished at stuff flowing …
Are deadlines, whether “etched in stone” by an outside entity or vague, problematic for you? If so, improving your “task-shifting” may be the answer! We are always moving from one activity to another. From sleep to starting work or school. From …
Years ago while at a Renaissance Faire, I stopped by a juggling booth thinking it’d be fun to learn the basics of juggling. Seems that my eye-hand coordination wasn’t up to the task! I’m still fascinated by juggling. The person …
I’m not talking about the garb a nun wears! I mean habits that we use in our personal and professional lives: morning routine, what you do with the mail when you bring it in the house, what you do (or …
Friend: “Do you want to jump off that bridge?” You: “No!” (at least not without a bungee cord) Colleague: “Will you work 24/7 for a week straight?”You: “No!” Friend: “Want to walk from New York to California?”You: “No!” (unless your an …
I know you’re waiting for things to “get back to normal.” In the meantime, would you like to know the secret to make it happen faster? I thought you might! I’m going to shed light on the secret to “getting …
Greeting cards, paper or electronic, evoke many different emotions, regardless of whether you’re the Receiver or the Sender. The recipient may experience joy, thankfulness, laughter, sadness, and more. The sender may feel excited (“I sent it in time!”), guilt (“I …
The holiday season has begun. Is your mind is buzzing with thoughts of how to celebrate the holidays in the midst of a pandemic? If so, you’re not alone! This pandemic is a major life transition for EVERYONE. The holidays …