It’s true. I can help organize your house virtually.
Virtual coaching can help you with your organizing and productivity challenges!
As I transitioned my business from hands-on organizing to a virtual, robust coaching program, I still received many calls for on-site services. Potential clients were convinced they couldn’t reach their goals unless I was right by their side.
I understand!
Now, after many hours working virtually, I know it’s effective.
Not convinced? Let me share Kat’s story.
I was initially contacted by a therapist who wanted some additional information on behalf of a client whose house was very disorganized due to chronic disorganization. The therapist shared that Kat* had “significant ADHD” as well as social anxiety. She was embarrassed and concerned about managing her ADHD tendencies to get overwhelmed and easily distracted.
Subsequently, Kat and I had a phone conversation. At that time I was still doing limited hands-on organizing, so we set up an appointment for several weeks out at her house.
Just before our first appointment, North Carolina decided to shut down due to COVID. Options for our session: Zoom, phone, or cancel. Kat’s choice was the phone.
I’d never seen her space, so first I confirmed the details of the layout of the small house she owned, which I’d heard in our previous chat. Kat chose to start decluttering the guest room. I directed her to start at the door and describe everything in the room, furniture, items in the furniture, the closet and its’ contents, going in a counter-clockwise direction.
Next she started decluttering the top of the dresser. As she identified each item, she decided whether to keep it in the room, relocate it to another room, or delete (donate, consign, recycle, etc.) it. Over the next calls, which shifted to Zoom once Kat felt comfortable, she decluttered every room.
Here are three benefits Kat experienced:
1. Mail. When she came in the door, rather than putting the mail in the first available spot, she consistently put it into the mail container she’d decided on, so it could be processed more easily.
2. Laundry. From experience, I know that many people struggle with putting away their laundry. Kat realized that she thought of her laundry as two distinct projects. She was successful at the first part: laundry from the washer to the dryer then from the dryer to “somewhere” such as the bed or couch. Where Kat got stalled was the second part: folding or hanging the laundry and putting it away. Once she gained this awareness, it was easier to design a strategy to consistently complete the second part of the laundry.
3. Self Talk. The ability to change negative self-talk into more supportive self-talk, which allowed her to follow-through on intended actions.
Kat felt proud of herself when she realized all that she’d accomplished. Before we began the next stage, I asked if she’d be willing to complete a Values exercise.
It’s important for clients to know their values because once they identify what’s most important to them, it helps them make decisions about how they want to live their lives.
Kat wants to have people over to her house. Three of her values are friendship, family, and acceptance, which tie directly into entertaining in her home.
Bottomline: values help you decide your actions for yourself rather than others deciding for you.
In subsequent appointments we discussed containerizing items in accessible places according to the amount of use. More importantly, we set up systems for maintaining the order she’d brought to her home.
Here’s a recap of how I helped Kat create a space she loves:
1. Exploratory call so we could each decide if we were a good match to work together.
2. Phone calls (shifting into Zoom sessions) where she decluttered her house room-by-room.
3. Values exercise to establish what was important to her so we could match her home organizing goals with her values.
4. Zoom appointments in which we determined logical places for her possessions. What was logical to her, not to me.😊
5. Create systems to maintain the organization.
I was thrilled when during our work, Kat said, “Your help has been literally invaluable to me!”
If you’re experiencing a medical diagnosis that impairs your life and you’d like support like Kat, book an Exploratory call and we’ll discuss how my virtual coaching program can help you optimize your life.
* Name and some details changed to protect client confidentiality.